Today is D-Day. The tension in this office is so thick; you could almost slice it with a plastic knife. J People are trying to act normally, yet in every quiet corner, you could see employees gathered around, with their heads bent to strain to hear what the others are saying, talking about the R word and who it’s going to happen to today. The more daring ones joke about it, but the strain can be heard in their laughter, and the deep dizzying sighs that come after.
My office mate, J, is just as nervous as I am. The difference between us is that I panicked last week and brought most of my personal stuff home and she was still calm then. Now, she has a stronger sense of what’s going on around us, while I just blog about everything and hope that this is enough. She’s funny; she’s laughing all the time now, but I think that most of it is nervous laughter more than anything else.
As for me, I refuse to be frazzled by this. I will just appear to go about my normal everyday routine, like adding more slides to my module presentation for grammar, take 2-3 cups of coffee, sit in my corner quietly and munch on the veggie chips that my partner C is selling. See, the keyword in my previous sentence is ‘appear’ – I couldn’t work decently. And so I blog.
I’ve been trying to make my blog better; my friends told me to check out wordpress which has more pictures and is “cooler.” I registered yesterday, but I just can’t seem to figure it out. Anyway, I’ll give it a few more views and see if I can work it. I’m pretty much content with this blog. J Yay, Blogspot!
It’s almost lunchtime, and I can’t say that I have produced one decent page of work. Blame it on the retrenchment fever. Anyhoo, I wish this day would end already. It’s the waiting that’s driving me crazy!
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